Why You Need a Wedding Planner for a Traditional Catholic Wedding

Planning a wedding is always quite a challenge. However, when it comes to a traditional wedding with all those little details that need to be dealt with, it can be a royal nightmare. There always seems to be that one thing that no one was prepared for and when there is so much to do, you really begin to appreciate all a wedding planner can do for you. Without their help you wouldn’t stand a prayer of getting everything done before that long-anticipated day. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to consider working with a wedding planner for a traditional Catholic Wedding.

Description: Free photos of Bible

Photo source: https://pixabay.com/photos/bible-church-wedding-christian-2110439/

Fielding Questions from Non-Catholics

Bear in mind that not all Catholic weddings are traditional. Some are officiated outside of a Mass and as long as the vows are blessed by a priest, the marriage is recognized by the Church. Some Catholic