Planning a wedding is always quite a challenge. However, when it comes to a traditional wedding with all those little details that need to be dealt with, it can be a royal nightmare. There always seems to be that one thing that no one was prepared for and when there is so much to do, you really begin to appreciate all a wedding planner can do for you. Without their help you wouldn’t stand a prayer of getting everything done before that long-anticipated day. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to consider working with a wedding planner for a traditional Catholic Wedding.

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Fielding Questions from Non-Catholics
Bear in mind that not all Catholic weddings are traditional. Some are officiated outside of a Mass and as long as the vows are blessed by a priest, the marriage is recognized by the Church. Some Catholic weddings are even held outdoors at county parks or at the seashore and even within a Mass. However, a traditional Catholic wedding is held in the couple’s parish church and there are traditions and rituals to be observed. Instead of driving the bride and groom crazy with questions about what is expected of them, non-Catholics can address their concerns to the wedding planner. Contact information can be placed as an insert in the wedding invitation.
A Running Registry
Although this may not be a service you would find with every wedding planner, many make themselves available to handle questions on the wedding registries established by the bride. When it comes to Catholic wedding gifts for a traditional wedding, there may be some entries for religious items to grace their new home together. From a blessed crucifix to be hung over their doorway to religious icons for their walls, there is no end of ideas for wedding gifts for a couple remaining faithful to tradition.
Carrying the Theme Through to the Reception
Here is another thing many people don’t know about Catholic weddings. While there are some readings from the Bible that traditionally make up the Liturgy of the Word during the Sacrament of Matrimony, couples do have the liberty to choose their own readings. There is a first reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm, a second reading from the New Testament (other than from the Gospels) and finally the Gospel that is read by the priest. This sets a theme which can then be carried over to the reception in terms of décor, food and entertainment.
There are so many things a wedding planner can do to ensure that the day runs smoothly. From making sure all the bride’s maids are dressed and ready to walk first down the aisle to ensuring that the rings made it to the church, there will be a wedding planner unobtrusively in the background. With that said, it pays to hire a Catholic wedding planner who is as well-versed in matters of faith as they are in planning the ultimate reception. Whether it is a friend or a professional service, this is how you will be able to focus on nothing but the vows you are taking. If help is there, use it!